Finding Fresh Perspectives: Rediscovering the Everyday in Photography

In the rhythm of everyday life, it's easy to pass by the seemingly mundane, dismissing it as unworthy of a photograph. This reflection stems from a personal journey—moments where I've chosen to step away from commercial photography, redirecting my focus toward the artistic. Rediscovering the art in the ordinary has become a source of inspiration to pick up my camera with newfound vigor.

Here are six practical tips to help you embark on your own journey of capturing the unseen:

  1. Change Your Perspective: Explore different angles and viewpoints. Embrace the beauty of imperfection—blur and unexpected elements can add a touch of magic to your shots.

  2. Experiment with Lighting: Play with natural light during different times of the day. Subtle changes in lighting can transform the mood and highlight details you might have overlooked.

  3. Focus on Details: Zoom in on the small elements that often go unnoticed. These details can tell powerful stories and add depth to your photography.

  4. Tell a Story: Look for a narrative within the everyday scenes you capture. Connect the dots between seemingly unrelated elements to create a compelling visual story.

  5. Challenge Yourself: Set mini photography challenges to break away from routine. Whether it's capturing a specific color theme for the day or focusing on textures, these challenges can spark creativity.

  6. Embrace the Unexpected: Delve into the beauty of unexpected outcomes. Allow room for mistakes and surprises, as they often lead to the most unique and memorable photographs.

As I navigate this shift in my photography career, finding joy in the unseen moments has become a guiding light. Join me in embracing the overlooked and finding inspiration in the simplicity of each frame. How has your photography journey evolved? Share your thoughts below!

Curiosity Corner: Behind the Lens

The image featured in this post takes a unique look at São Paulo's iconic Conjunto Nacional building, capturing its numerous windows from a ground perspective. Shot digitally, it's a nod to my experiences with analog photography, specifically using Kodak's E100VS film.

Interestingly, my creative freedom feels more elusive when photographing São Paulo, my hometown. It's when I venture to other cities and countries that my lens experiences true, unrestrained inspiration.

And here's the secret sauce: it's the challenge posed by São Paulo that led me to draw inspiration from analog photography when creating this particular image.